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Open Your Eyes

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

Our experiences are a matter of perspective. They shape our lives and guide our thinking. To

ask what came first, our perspective or our outlook on life, is to hold an egg-or-chicken discussion.

Written by Eriny Guirguis

Open your eyes and look at the people around you. Each of us has our own battles and perspective of the world. But, sometimes, we are too preoccupied with what we ourselves are experiencing to appreciate what those around us are going through.

We do not always realize what goes on in other people's lives until they tell us. The person who lives next to us could have suffered the loss of a loved one and we would not know or, in some cases, care because it did not affect us.

The person you thought had a perfect life? He could really be suffering on the inside.

There is a world full of people and we are all different. Each person has their own struggles, many of which we may not even know about. We think that other people do not understand our problems, and that may be true, but we all have ours.

Sometimes we need to put ourselves in other people’s shoes and look at life from their perspective. A person’s way of seeing the world affects their personality. If we took the time to get to know each other, the world would be a better place.

Kindness does not take effort; you just have to care.

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