Have you ever thought about how this world was created? How everything was set perfectly in just the right way?
Written by San Hanna
Let’s say that there was a lion at your backyard you wouldn’t just say, “Oh, it popped out of nowhere.” You would look for a source, where it came from.
Same thing with Earth - everything within and outside of Earth could not have been an accident.
Everything on Earth was made very precisely, as with everything outside the Earth, such as the atmosphere or the location of Earth in the solar system. If Earth was a little farther away from the sun, we would be freezing to death, or if we were an inch closer to the sun we would burn up.
This shows that everything has to have a logical cause. Our entire world could not have been made by accident, not could we have undergone that same process; it is not logical. It also is not logical that we came out of nowhere, like the lion in your backyard.
All of the Earth could not have been created by a powerless god either. As mentioned in the "Timeless Truth in Truthless Times," by renowned theology speaker George Bassilios, some characteristics He had to have include being:
1. Supernatural in nature
( He exists outside of his own creation.)
2. Incredibly powerful
(He created all that is known)
3. Eternal
(He exists it of time and space)
4. Omnipresent
(He made time space and is not limited by it)
5. Timeless and Changeless
(He created time)
6. Immaterial
(He transcends space)
7. Personal
(The impersonal can’t make personality)
8. Necessary
(Everything depends on him)
9. Intelligent
(Non-Intelligence can’t create intelligence)
10. Purposeful
(He deliberately created everything)
God, our creator, is almighty and strong. No weak god can possibly create all of Earth. Our world also could not have come out of nowhere; there had to be a cause. We were not an accident; we are not a disappointment. We were created with purpose, in love, in harmony. We were created by the Almighty One who endures all things.
For more information, please explore the book: "Timeless Truth in Truthless Times." Available on Amazon @ https://www.amazon.com/Timeless-Truth-Truthless-Times-Christianity-ebook/dp/B07R27X4PJ