Once upon a time, sometime in the third century, there lived a brave and valiant knight named Philopeter Mercurius. He is famous for carrying two swords, as depicted in his icon below; St. Philopateer was given a fiery, flaming sword by the angel of the Lord to win the war and praise His Holy name.
Written by Hilary Monir
He was born in 225 A.D. and received the crown of martyrdom on December 4th of 250 A.D.
St. Philopateer's family was really into hunting. One day, his father Yares along with his grandfather went on a hunting trip together. While on the trip, Yares, St. Philopateer's father, had a vision in the wilderness. In the vision, God assured Yares that his family will be well and that St. Philopateer will be His witness. When they returned home, the family converted to Christianity, gaining new names in their baptism: Yares became Noah, the mother became Seraphina, and Philopateer became Mercurius.
When St. Philopateer was seventeen-years-old, he joined the army and became a great soldier and swordsman. Archangel Michael spoke to him and reassured him that God is with him and will help him win this war. Archangel Michael also gave him a fiery, flaming sword to use in the war to fight the Barbarians and reminded him to praise the name of the Lord when he wins. Sure enough, with God's help, St. Philopateer's army won. The Roman Emperor Decius was highly impressed with the young soldier and promoted him to "Supreme Commander Of all the Roman Armies."
All was well until King Decius spoke against the Lord. St. Philopateer could not stand hearing such blasphemies and proclaimed the name of the Lord, declaring his pride in being a servant of the Almighty God. He faced many tortures and tribulations, but he held strong until he received the Crown of Martyrdom, when he was twenty-five-years-old.
St. Philopateer is the saint I looked up to since my mom introduced me to him when I was six-years-old. He has always been there for me when I need him. Anytime I was having trouble, I would ask for his help and he would help me. One time, I had lost my phone at a store and I prayed, “Please, St. Philopateer, help me find my phone.” A few minutes later, I found it.
His story is incredibly great. Read more here: https://www.stminahamilton.ca/2010/12/st-philopateer-mercurius-abu-sefein
May the prayers and blessings of St. Philopateer Mercarius be with us all, amen.